电话: 024-88487155
2007/09-2011/ 06 齐齐哈尔大学,生物科学专业,本科生
2011/09-2014/06 河北大学,水生生物学专业,硕士研究生
2014/09-2018/06 中国科学院大学,环境科学专业,博士研究生
2019/07至今 yh1122银河国际,讲师
1. 2018年:荣获中国科学院院长优秀奖。
2. 2016年:荣获国家教育部颁发的博士研究生国家奖学金。
1.Xu S., Shen, C.Y., Zhang, X.Y., Chen X.J., Radosevich, M., Wang, S.Q., Zhuang J.*2020. Mobility of cellulose nanocrystals in porous media: effects of ionic strength, iron oxides, and soil colloids.Nanomaterials, 10, 348.
2.Xu S., Chen X.J., Zhuang J.*2019. Opposite influences of mineral-associated and dissolved organic matters on the transport of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles through soil and aggregates.Environmental Research, 171,153-160.
3.Xu S., Attinti R., Adams E., Wei J., Kniel K., Zhuang J.*, Jin Y.*2017.Mutually facilitated co-transport of two different viruses through reactive porous media.Water Research,123 :40-48.
4.Xu S., Qi J., Chen XJ., Lazouskaya V., Zhuang J.*, Jin Y.*2016. Coupled effect of extended DLVO and capillary interactions on the retention and transport of colloids through unsaturated porous media.Science of the Total Environment, 573, 564-572.
5.徐爽,刘存歧*,董梦荟,刘莎,李博.2013.白洋淀水体和沉积物中碱性磷酸酶活性的时空分布及其影响因素.环境科学学报. 33(12).