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作者:    发布时间: 2020-05-08



电话: 18240147925







2006.08 – 2010.06沈阳农业大学,园艺学院,设施农业科学与工程专业本科

2010.08 – 2013.06沈阳农业大学,园艺学院,设施园艺学硕士

2013.08 – 2017.01中国科学院大学沈阳应用生态研究所生态学博士

2017.01 –至今yh1122银河国际讲师

(其中2020.08-2021.08获瑞士政府优秀奖学金资助,赴瑞士Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL研究所进行博士后研究)


1.科技部,国家重点研发计划项目子课题, 2023YFD1500901-02,带状间作轮作微生物组调控地力止损技术研究, 2023-11至2028-10, 70万元,在研,主持

2.辽宁省科技厅,中央引导地方科技发展专项任务, 2023JH6/100100035,向日葵改良盐渍化土壤与辽河模式构建关键技术研究, 2023-01至2023-12, 10万元,结题,主持

3.国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目, U21A20217,玉米花生复合种植防风蚀生态增效栽培机理, 2022-01-01至2025-12-31, 256万元,在研,参与

4.辽宁省农业科学院,院长基金面上项目, 2020MS0502,玉米/花生间作影响土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构的机制, 2020-01至2022-12, 10万元,结题,参与

5.辽宁省科技厅,省博士启动项目, 2019-BS-136,风沙半干旱区玉米/花生间作对氨氧化过程的影响,2019-10至2021-09, 3万元,结题,参与


1.Yinghao Xue, F.Z., Zhanxiang Sun, Wei Bai,Yongyong Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Ning Yang, Chen Feng, Liangshan Feng, 2023. Long-term mulching of biodegradable plastic film decreased fungal necromass C with potential consequences for soil C storage. Chemosphere 337, 139280.

2.Fengyan Zhao, Zhanxiang Sun., Liangshan Feng,Yongyong Zhang, Chen Feng, Wei Bai, Jiaming Zheng, Zhe Zhang, Ning Yang, Qian Cai, Wuyan Xiang, Hui Li, Yong Jiang, Pierre Hohmann, 2022. Biological N fixation but not mineral N fertilization enhances the accumulation of N in peanut soil in maize/peanut intercropping system. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 10, 100365.

3.Zheng, S., Bian, T., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Li, X.,Zhang, Y., Fu, H., Sun, Z., 2021. Decoupling of P from C, N, and K elements in cucumber leaves caused by nutrient imbalance under a greenhouse continuous cropping system. Horticulturae 7, 528.

4.Zhao, F.,Zhang, Y.,Li, Z., Shi, J., Zhang, G., Zhang, H., Yang, L., 2020. Vermicompost improves microbial functions of soil with continuous tomato cropping in a greenhouse. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 380-391.

5.Li, H.,Zhang, Y., Yang, S., Wang, Z., Feng, X., Liu, H., Jiang, Y., 2019. Variations in soil bacterial taxonomic profiles and putative functions in response to straw incorporation combined with N fertilization during the maize growing season. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 283, 106578.

6.Zhao, F.,Zhang, Y.,Dijkstra, F.A., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, T., Lu, Y., Shi, J., Yang, L., 2019a. Effects of amendments on phosphorous status in soils with different phosphorous levels. Catena 172, 97-103.

7.Zhao, F.,Zhang, Y.,Dong, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, G., Sun, Z., Yang, L., 2019b. Vermicompost can suppress Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici via generation of beneficial bacteria in a long-term tomato monoculture soil. Plant and Soil 440, 491-505.

8.Zhao, F.,Zhang, Y.,Dong, W., Zhou, C., Zhang, G., Yang, L., 2018. Effects of amendments on base cation and micronutrient availabilities in soils planted with tomato in a solar greenhouse. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 64, 782-792.

9.Xu, Z., Ren, H., Li, M.-H., Brunner, I., Yin, J., Liu, H., Kong, D., Lü, X.-T., Sun, T., Cai, J., 2017. Experimentally increased water and nitrogen affect root production and vertical allocation of an old-field grassland. Plant and Soil 412, 369-380.

10.Yang, S., Xu, Z., Wang, R., Zhang, Y., Yao, F.,Zhang, Y.,Turco, R.F., Jiang, Y., Zou, H., Li, H., 2017. Variations in soil microbial community composition and enzymatic activities in response to increased N deposition and precipitation in Inner Mongolian grassland. Applied Soil Ecology 119, 275-285.

11.Wang, X.-X., Zhao, F., Zhang, G.,Zhang, Y.,Yang, L., 2017. Vermicompost improves tomato yield and quality and the biochemical properties of soils with different tomato planting history in a greenhouse study. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 279043.

12.Wang, R., Zhang, Y., Cerdà, A., Cao, M.,Zhang, Y.,Yin, J., Jiang, Y., Chen, L., 2017. Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by pyrogenic organic matter amendment with different intensity and frequency. Geoderma 289, 161-168.

13.Zhang, Y.,Zhang, S., Wang, R., Cai, J., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Huang, S., Jiang, Y., 2016. Impacts of fertilization practices on pH and the pH buffering capacity of calcareous soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 62, 432-439.

14.Wang, R., Dorodnikov, M., Yang, S., Zhang, Y., Filley, T.R., Turco, R.F.,Zhang, Y.,Xu, Z., Li, H., Jiang, Y., 2015. Responses of enzymatic activities within soil aggregates to 9-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, 159-167.

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